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  • How can I minimize shedding in cats?
    Hair loss can sometimes occur normally. Animals entering the home environment from the outdoor environment may shed due to an increase in temperature. There is also a normal hair change in the spring months (spring, autumn). In puppies, there is a hair change, especially the shedding of puppy hair. Approximately every six months in the female dog, during oestrus (menstrual) periods, and more frequently in the cat during estrus periods, hair loss is seen due to increased levels of hormones in the blood. These are physiological molts. Apart from these, hair loss can be local or general. General shedding can be caused by hormonal, nutritional (due to unidirectional nutrition), vitamin deficiency, nervous causes, bathing (excessive washing, use of inappropriate washing materials) or systemic diseases (parasites, infections, liver failure, etc.). Especially localized shedding can be caused by skin diseases (scabies, fungus, eczematous etc.). To prevent hair loss, the cause must first be determined. A veterinarian you will consult will help you in this regard. Your veterinarian can diagnose and help you. Vitamin supplementation; especially Biotin and vitamin H containing preparations can be used. Plant-based foods can be increased in the diet. Special shampoos with adjusted pH-acid balance can be used and washed less. With measures such as these, hair loss can be reduced or eliminated. Excessive and frequent washing can wear away the waxy protective layer of the skin called lanolin. This leads to deterioration of the feather.
  • I have a four-month-old cat whose teeth are falling out. What should I do?
    Cats have milk teeth. These teeth fall out when the time comes, and then new ones grow in their place. There is nothing to worry about.
  • Is there any harm in giving our cat sleeping pills before traveling?
    There is no harm in giving your cat 1/4 tablet of sleeping pills. However, you should consult your veterinarian about what kind of tablet and how much. If you do not feed your cat for a while before traveling, i.e. leave its stomach empty, you will solve the problem of toileting and nausea. There is no problem if you take your cat with you in a carrier bag on the plane. However, if you are going to give it to cargo, you need to notify the authorities. More precisely, you need to warn the authorities about the temperature and pressure in the cabin.
  • Is it possible for cats to travel by plane?
    There is no harm in giving your cat 1/4 tablet of sleeping pills. However, you should consult your veterinarian about what kind of tablet and how much. If you do not feed your cat for a while before traveling, i.e. leave its stomach empty, you will solve the problem of toileting and nausea. There is no problem if you take your cat with you in a carrier bag on the plane. However, if you are going to give it to cargo, you need to notify the authorities. More precisely, you need to warn the authorities about the temperature and pressure in the cabin.
  • My cat bites me all the time. Every time I reach out my hand, he starts nibbling.
    Since it is impossible for cats to brush their teeth, they need to gnaw on a hard object to remove the deposits on the teeth. When they can't find it, they start biting a human hand. A piece of wood or a bone can do the job. To remove tartar, it is necessary to give them something hard.
  • My cat's nails are falling off. Will they grow back?
    If your cat is a kitten, she may be losing her nails due to calcium or vitamin E deficiency. Supplement with calcium and vitamin E. If it's an adult cat, nail loss is normal. This is because your cat does not live in the wild. If your cat never goes outside, have its nails trimmed at regular intervals by your veterinarian. You can also prepare a varnished log for him to sharpen his nails at home.
  • Should I cut my cat's nails?
    Cats that stay at home can have their nails clipped. But never cut the nails of cats that go outside. Because they will need them outside. Removing the nails is an act of torture. No animal's anatomical structure should be altered. Nail clipping should not be done by random, unskilled hands.
  • The cat is destroying things in the house. She ruined my purse!
    The main reason for this is that he can't go out on the street. Since the nails do not undergo natural wear, they start using household objects to file the nails. The main purpose is to maintain the length of the nails. When they get too long, the nail starts to turn inward and sticks into the cat. To prevent this, they rub the nails to abrade them. This is an instinctive behavior.
  • There is a very common rumor that cat hair causes cysts, is it true?
    The popularly feared cyst is actually caused by an internal parasite, not by hair. The parasite in question is 'Echinococcus Granulossus' and it causes cyst formation called 'Cyst hydatid'. Since this parasite is found in the flesh and organs of grass-eaters, it is transmitted to pets through unknowingly given raw meat and offal (this is especially common in rural areas). To prevent cysts caused by this parasite in dogs and cats, veterinarians carry out the necessary preventive medicine. In addition, very young children can develop non-parasitic foreign body cysts by inhalation of dander. The cause of feather allergy in humans is not the feather itself, but the protein molecules on the feathers.
  • What can we do to prevent cats from needing to use the toilet and suffering from nausea on long journeys?
    There is no harm in giving your cat 1/4 tablet of sleeping pills. However, you should consult your veterinarian about what kind of tablet and how much. If you do not feed your cat for a while before traveling, i.e. leave its stomach empty, you will solve the problem of toileting and nausea. There is no problem if you take your cat with you in a carrier bag on the plane. However, if you are going to give it to cargo, you need to notify the authorities. More precisely, you need to warn the authorities about the temperature and pressure in the cabin.
  • We put a flea collar on our cat for five months. Occasionally he licks the collar while playing, is there any harm?
    Flea collars are poisonous. When putting it on the cat's neck, put it on with as much slack as your finger. You should wash your hands after putting it on. Cut off the excess... If the excess is cut off and the collar is put on tightly enough, you will prevent your cat from licking the collar. After all, cats won't keep up a habit that is harmful to them for too long. If your cat has babies, remove the collar before the birth and wait until the kittens are two months old to put it back on.
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